Sunday 28 October 2012

How does one choose to homeschool??

I'm sure there are as many reasons to homeschool as there are stars in the sky. How did "I" decide to homeschool? Well it was a process with a result I didn't expect. Personally my school years haven't been very empowering, or even inspiring. I was shy, always the smallest one in class, life wasn't smooth at home and it caused me issues with anxiety and focusing in class. I became vulnerable to bullying, being left behind by teachers, even humiliated by some teachers who called me stupid. By 5th grade I had come to believe it and I stop trying which was harder then you can imagine. I don't hate learning, I actually find it inspiring and fun. I just didn't have a place in the school system and felt very isolated. By high school the arts had become my reason to exist, something I did very well at. I loved the creative classes, cooking, drafting, woodworking, marketing and I also did pretty well in science, geography and history. What I didn't do so well at was math and grammar, both in English and in French, this was pretty disappointing because I excelled at creative writing  due to bad grammar, my creative writing never got me very far and no one ever took the time to sit with me and teach me properly. I was never able to shake off all the negative comments from teachers and students. Even my close friends had come to define me as "not very good at school" and that stuck a long time.

I've been with my partner for 8 years now, he was the "other" type of student. He did really well and got good grades with minimal effort. It took me a few years to realise that HIS smartness was just different then mine but I wasn't any LESS smart. While going back to college my passion for learning and researching resurfaced. Once I got pregnant with my daughter I went research crazy, the more I learnt, the less I actually knew. It was a vicious cycle of knowledge and with time I have become more confidant with what I know and my ability to learn for the rest of my life.

Little miss Adèle is a very eager, ambitious and driven child. She is physical, clever and will try till she masters it!! The process of watching her walk was very special, less for the milestone achievement and more for the discovery that my child is just as equally passionate about always getting better, faster and stronger as I was as a child. She was amazing at self learning which got me into the world of Montessori. This is a style of teaching that I really enjoy and in most part would suit my child. There was three issues with this idea; first, we cannot afford a Montessori school, Second, they only go till kindergarten and third, my child is naturally competitive and I think she needs something once in a while to drive that fire in her.

From there I've noticed that many of my more crunchy community of online mothers were homeschoolers. Not for religious reasons, but simply to try to offer more personalised education and follow the more gentle/ positive parenting style of being attentive to your children's needs and being responsive to them. It's often hard to think of your child lost in a full class with only one teacher trying to manage it all. Many don't want to miss out on that sparkle in their kids eyes when they feel proud of themselves or curious.

And my homeschooling research began!

For a couple month I kept saying that it would be fun, but I couldn't do it. In all honesty, I was terrified of the idea; how could I? I sucked at school, I couldn't write, I have anxiety when I have to read out loud and my mind is scattered. I visualised a regular public school setting at my kitchen table and that wasn't pleasant!! Two months of intense research, going to bed at 3am to find out that MY homeschool can be whatever I want it to be. From bought curriculum  to using free amazing resources (something the Internet is full of) to exploring the world and learning outside the home. The word HOME in homeschooling is a bit misleading as most homeschoolers have the joy of learning everywhere BUT home.

About a month or two ago I made it official, I was going to homeschool. I know it's not the norm but I'm also not the type to do what "everyone" does just because I'm scared of change. But just like parenting, her father will take part in this journey and we will learn together as a family and hope to keep the magic living through my daughter. I hope for an imagination without limits, a creativity that applies to all subjects, a passion to better herself because it makes HER feel good and not for an A or outside approval. I want her to learn how to self motivate and believe she can do anything she works hard at and believes in. Where I can gently guide her and let her have her own thoughts and ideas.

Success to me isn't the multi billionaire or the celebrity on TV or even the doctor but the passionate person who loves what they do so much they end up being invited for a TED talk so they can inspire other people. I'd love her to contribute to the world by making it a better place even with only one small creative idea. I hope to teach a child with a love of culture, and an acceptance of other regardless of belief and background. All this free of bullying and boredom from over filled classrooms.

I may be crazy for this choice, but crazy people made some of the most amazing contribution to our world, they can think outside the box!

Welcome to the Monkey Academy where every discovery is important like the first brush stroke in a master piece.

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